FAQ about blue light glasses
  1.  Do blue light glasses work? The effectiveness of blue light glasses is still a topic of debate among experts. However, there are studies that suggest that blue light glasses can can help reduce eye strain and improve sleep quality. 
  2. Can I wear my blue light glasses all the time? It is generally safe to wear blue light glasses for extended periods, as they are designed to filter out harmful blue light emitted by digital screens. However, it is recommended to take breaks from screen time and give your eyes a rest to prevent eye strain and maintain overall eye health.
  3. Do blue light glasses change the colour of the screen? Blue light glasses are designed to filter out blue light, but they should not significantly alter the color of the screen. Some glasses may have a slight yellow tint, but this should not affect the overall color accuracy or visual experience.
  4. What are anti blue light computer glasses? Anti blue light computer glasses are specially designed eyewear that filters out blue light emitted by digital screens such as computers, phones, and tablets. They are meant to reduce digital eye strain, improve sleep quality, and protect the eyes from the harmful effects of blue light.
  5. What are the benefits of blue light glasses? Blue light glasses can help reduce eye strain, improve sleep quality, and protect the eyes from the harmful effects of over exposure to blue light from your digital devices.
  6. Can blue light glasses improve my sleep? Blue light glasses can potentially improve sleep quality by reducing exposure to blue light, which can suppress the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.
  7. Who can benefit from wearing blue light glasses? Anyone who spends a lot of time in front of digital screens, including computer users, gamers, and smartphone users, may benefit from wearing blue light glasses.
  8. Do blue light glasses affect my vision or color perception? Blue light glasses should not significantly alter the color of the screen, but some glasses may have a slight yellow tint.
  9. Are all blue light glasses the same? No, blue light glasses can vary in their level of blue light filtering and design, so it's important to choose a pair that fits your needs and preferences.
  10. Can I use blue light glasses if I already wear prescription glasses? Yes, there are options for prescription blue light glasses that can be made to fit your specific vision needs.
  11. How do I choose the right pair of blue light glasses? Consider factors such as the level of blue light filtering, the design and fit of the glasses, and any additional features such as anti-glare coating or magnification. It's also important to choose a reputable brand and retailer.